We need writers. Whether you are an aspiring or professional writer who wants to write about sustainability, ethics, education, and new innovations in the creative world or you would like to make a contribution to transforming the world, here is a platform where you can build up your portfolio and your experience in the writing world and make a positive impact.
Greyish Green gives conscious writers and diverse writers an opportunity to get published. This is ideal for aspiring writers who want to be part of the vanguard transforming culture and the art and fashion world to be sustainable and ethical.
To see if Greyish Green is right for you, review the following guidelines.
- Themes and topics: Circularity, Natural Materials, Sustainable Fashion, Sustainable Art, Activism, Ethical Fashion, Circular Design, Material, Creative Process, Writing Process, Good Journalism, Good Design, Educational Resources, Art Education, Fashion Education, Academics, Diversity, Equity
- Articles are given out as editorial assignments by the Editor. You can pitch an idea within given themes.
- Accreditation: As the work is under assignment, you should know that the copyright is under Greyish Green. You can of course share articles on your channels and use them for your portfolio.
- Various types of articles appear on Greyish Green, of varying length. An article can be 200 – 2000 words long. Some articles are part of an ongoing series. Articles are meant to inspire and/or educate.
- Images are important, so collect images and credits as you do your research. You can reach out to the organization for press material. Ask the editor for a template press request letter. For all press images or collected images, note the credits. It is important to always note the source.
- Citations and Bibliographies with links are important. Keep track of your sources and list them at the end of your piece.
- We are looking for someone who wants to contribute regularly. The reason is contributors have to show expertise and that is only seen through quality content and consistency. If you would like to become part of the editorial team, then this is possible. Aim to write a few articles.
- It is recommended that you read the website to get a feeling of the style and readership. The Greyish Green Demographic includes creative and media professionals, environmentalists, activists, academics, students, and conscious content creators. makers and writers. Greyish Green serves professionals looking for inspiring and educational materials in one place. They want to make the world a better place. They want to create fearlessly and sustainably and transform culture, art world and the fashion world for the common good.
Please note that this department is a work-in-process that is in the experimental phase, in the beta phase. So it will be a beautiful mess but in the spirit of joy and fun.
If you are still interested after reading the above, then the first step is to contact the managing editor, to see if there is an assignment for you. You can reach Greyish Green on Instagram @greyishgreen.media or contact the editor: s h a r i f a @ greyishgreen . com
In your email or message, reference the Subject: “Writer (Your Full Name) – Greyish Green
Please provide samples of your writing or links to articles. Briefly outline your interest or experience in sustainable fashion, art and design, and sustainable or ethical practices. Transforming the world through media and education, Greyish Green envisions a peaceful and joyful world where everyone is good and where everything is ecological. It starts with you and me.