A peaceful world where everyone creates consciously, confidently, and cooperatively.


TEXTBOOK’s mission is to inspire and empower changemakers to create, write, and express their ideas to make their mark. We must be more imaginative and playful and use optimistic ideas and language to create a better world for all of us. Let’s write and rewrite, make and remake, learn and relearn, and do and redo ideas, concepts, and perceptions.

  • Create a website
  • Build your portfolio
  • Build your brand
  • Learn the writing process
  • Learn the creative process
  • Learn branding and marketing
  • Learn to write with ease
  • Learn how to write with know-how
  • Learn the different types of sentences
  • Learn grammar for writers
  • Learn how to apply sustainable and ethical concepts to your practice
  • learn about media, publishing
  • Learn to be media-savvy
  • Learn social media
  • Learn to be tech-savvy
  • Learn your culture and subculture
  • Learn the design thinking
  • Learn how to learn
  • Learn how to get published

Courses are developed so that you take them in between your busy schedule.  Courses are assignment-driven and help you build your portfolio. Courses are easy and fun. If you need to boost your skills so you can thrive across media and social media platforms and other online spaces, you are in the right place. If you want to learn how to get published, you are in the right place. If you would love refreshing refresher courses to upskill your media and communications skills, you are in the right place.

Look over the website for the various resources. Most of the resources are free and in the spirit of creative commons.